Surf Life Saving Tasmania issues safety warning ahead of Easter long weekend

Thursday 28 March 2024

The Easter long weekend is traditionally a busy time for Tasmanian beaches, as such surf
lifesavers are asking beachgoers to remain vigilant.

Following another busy summer that tragically saw 5 lives lost along Tasmania’s coastline,
beachgoers' are warned coastal drowning deaths are 4.26 times higher on public holidays.

With many Tasmanian’s heading to remote locations for the holiday period, surf lifesavers are
reminding beachgoers to know their limits following an alarming trend in the 2023-2024 summer
drowning statistics.

The trend showed that regional and remote drowning deaths accounted for 60% of fatal coastal
drownings across Australia, 9% above last year.

Surf Life Saving Tasmania General Manager Alison Stubbs said while Tasmania has a limited
number of beaches in the state that are patrolled, beachgoers at remote locations can take
additional precautions to ensure their own safety.

“Those choosing to swim at an unpatrolled location should never do so alone, should know how
to read the conditions including how to identify rip currents, and check for hazards before
entering the water,” said Stubbs.

“If you are taking your family to the beach, please remain vigilant. We know conditions can
change in seconds.

“Young children are particularly impressionable and learn from their parents' behaviour, please
set a good example with surf safety.”

“Please know your limits when entering the surf, we want everyone to return home safely this
Easter long weekend.”

SLST Safety Tips

  • Always supervise children in, on and around water
  • Learn swimming, water safety and lifesaving skills
  • Swim at a patrolled beach between the red and yellow flags
  • Avoid alcohol and drugs around water
  • STOP.LOOK.PLAN - STOP to check for rips. LOOK for other dangers. PLAN how to stay safe.
  • You can find the nearest patrolled beach along with lots of helpful information on how to stay safe at the beach by visiting or downloading the beachsafe app.
  • Wear a lifejacket when boating, rock fishing or paddling
Surf Life Saving Tasmania issues safety warning ahead of Easter long weekend