How Surf Life Saving began in Australia?

Australia’s first volunteer Surf Life Saving clubs emerged in 1907 on Sydney’s ocean beaches.  Surf-bathing had been rapidly increasing in popularity in the early 20th Century and in turn by-laws which had previously prevented bathing in daylight hours since the 1830s were gradually removed between 1902 and 1905, to reflect changing public attitudes.

These changes had a dramatic impact on local beach culture as the number of beachgoers entering the surf suddenly increased. As many bathers couldn’t swim the number of drownings and attempted rescues also suddenly increased.

On October 18, 1907, representatives from Sydney Surf Life Saving Clubs, together with members of other interested groups, met to form the Surf Bathing Association of New South Wales, the organisation which is now known as Surf Life Saving Australia.

Surf Life Saving in Tasmania has, since the time of its inception in 1921 forged a very important place in the history of Tasmania and has become an integral part of this great Australian organisation.  The extensive history of Surf Life Saving in Tasmania and throughout Australia has grown and developed for almost 100 years and become part of Australian tradition and an essential service to the wider community.

Today, Surf Life Saving Tasmania comprises a State Office, 15 Surf Life Saving Clubs, 3 Marine Rescue Units and 3 Support Services located around the coastline and over 2300 members who are all committed to saving lives and positively impacting on their local communities.

Listed below are our current Clubs and Marine Rescue Services and date founded or affiliated with SLST.

Historical Annual Reports

Surf Life Saving Clubs

Raspins Beach 2018
Bicheno 2011
Bridport 2010
Burnie 1921
Boat Harbour Beach 1984
Carlton Park 1975
Clifton Beach 1963
Devonport 1927
Kingston Beach  2009
Launceston LSC 1998
Penguin 1930
Port Sorell  2003
Somerset 1969
Scamander 2007
Ulverstone 1928

Marine Rescue Services

Kingborough VMR 2011
Wynyard VMR 2015
Tamar Sea Rescue 2011